Sämpy and its furry friends Hiskias Hääppönen, Elmeri, and Nelli, all from Northern Finland, seem to be enjoying snow very much. See for yourself.
This preserve in Louisiana, US, can give you such a chance. Barn Hill Preserve organizes guided encounter tours, lets its visitors hang out with sloths, and… swim with otters. These Asian small-clawed otters are so cute, you will instantly forget about any stress you might have had.
Leo, a dog from Thailand, was accidentally left by his owners near a gas station. From that day on, Leo never left that place and patiently waited four long years until the return of his family. After his story was shared online, his owners were finally found. The family tried to search for their dog after they realized he had gone missing back in 2015, but didn’t manage to find him and assumed the worst. Leo was really happy to see his family, but surprisingly not willing to follow them home. It seemed like he decided to stay with the woman that has been caring for him for the past four years. The family supported his decision and let him stay.