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DAILY 18 Jan 2011
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CELEBS 18 Jan 2011
Most of us think that celebrities are perfect people. They are not. In fact, some of the famous Hollywood actresses have physical defects, as they are human-beings just like the rest of us. Inside this post, you’ll find physical proofs.
Megan Fox
Posted in
CELEBS 18 Jan 2011
Sir Elton John and David Furnish shows son, Baby Zachary, to the public
This is what you get when you stare at each other for too long.
We made it through another cold Monday and here we are inching our way to Friday with a grin and a tickle. Take some time to unfreeze and spin down with these snaps.
Real Live Popeye
Snow Snow Go Away and come back another day. When you get the snow blues think about these ten adventures that will put your mind at rest. If we could fly anywhere these might be the places that we’d want to see. Take a few moments and go on an exotic trip with us around the world and take your mind off your troubles and the snow.
How would you like to have a name like Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benjy Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obiajulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky?
These are some of the best 2010 caricatures published in The New Yorker. There’s a lot to laugh about after the jump.
Posted in
CELEBS 18 Jan 2011
Keanu Reeves has some very embarrassing pictures in his collection. They look strange and awkward.
As these photos show, different sports require different body types. They are all athletic just different. You can almost tell the sport the person is involved in from their body type. At least you can tell the body builder from the swimmer. To see the picture in big, click on the green cross in the top right of the picture.
These are the things that real people never say about advertising. They are the things that the advertiser hope you would say but don’t. Real people don’t even think them for that matter.
This lighthouse braving the storm in France looks very impressive and gorgeous. See more spectacular photos are after the jump.
Sometimes they want to escape into real life…
Designer Viktor Hertz who is based in Sweden uses everything from his favorite movies to some very clever phrases for his inspiration for simple, smart and clever designs that makes you stop and think. He often uses everyday shapes and symbols in his work and gives them new meaning.
In the Gippsland Lakes in Australia bioluminescence is a very unique, beautiful, and rare phenomenon that results from a chain of events such as flash floods, storms, and bushfires that triggers a population explosion of one particular type of algae. It is very strange to observe and might make the observer think that were being invaded by another extraterrestrial species.
These incredible sculptures are by the artist Adam Beane. His sculptures are so lifelike and detailed that it is uncanny. Regardless if he is copying someone real or imaginary, such as a fictional character, the sculpture looks exactly like its namesake.