The time gap between the photos before and now isn’t big, just showing how teens like changes, to be “different” and to stand out. In some cases, change wasn’t for the best.
Posted in
CELEBS 17 Mar 2011
Suri Cruise Loves Penis Gummies
This week has zoomed by and the weather seems to be getting warmer making us all look out the window and dream about playing outside while we work. At least there are these shots to keep us bus inside until the weekend arrives.
It Waits
Posted in
17 Mar 2011
These stunning photos of International Space Station astronauts taking a leisurely spacewalk, from a variety of different missions including the latest one, will take your breath away. Replete with Earth’s bright blue sky as a backdrop, each photo gives a new meaning to floating in space. Several things are for sure, astronauts cannot be scared of heights and they have a great view from work.
Demolition of a chimney at a former brewery in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
This snake died from silicone poisoning after biting a model’s breast during a photo shoot. The B list actress Orit Fox from Tel Aviv has breasts that have been enhanced with silicone implants. She was just getting comfortable with the Boa Constrictor when it bit her on the breast. Ms. Fox got a tetanus shot and the snake later died.
Check out the video:
Big Breasted Girl Shouldn’t Play with Snakes…
Change is good right? In 1960’s the first mouse was created for the computer, and then in the 1980’s the ball mouse was introduced to the world, in 1990 the optical mouse took over the scene. Now there is a mouse that requires little space and instead of plastic for you to hold onto your finger/s do all the work.
Posted in
17 Mar 2011
Living in one of these houses could be dangerous if you stepped out of the wrong room :D The housing complex is known as Habitat 67 and is a landmark that is located in Montreal, Canada. The housing complex was designed by architect Moshe Safdie.
A guy who lives in Italy showed these photos on a forum. He needed to do some handy work at home and bought this hammer at a nearby Chinese shop.
These are Chinese women who have feet that are deformed as a result of the drastic measures that are taken to keep their feet small such as having their toes or arches broken and of course, of wearing shoes that are much too small. In China a sign of femininity for girls is to have small feet. The result is feet that are deformed.
Posted in
17 Mar 2011
This Museum claim that it's the World's largest toy Museum. I'm not sure about it but its full of toys and Action figures.
Here’s a set of different unusual vending machines from around the globe. Apparently, you can buy anything there.
Posted in
ANIMALS 17 Mar 2011
These are probably the funniest running doggies I’ve ever seen. When you see them run in real life, you don’t notice their face expressions but captured on the camera you can see it all.