The length of your fingers holds surprisingly accurate insights into your personality. Which one are you?
These uncanny moments really happened and it is kind of spooky.
Robert Green was the first man to try and create grape ice cream in 1876 and others have attempted it since. But thanks to some interesting science, there is a very important reason why this ice cream is still not available on shelves today.
A Singapore TV presenter started talking about this unusually difficult math problem and since it hit the internet it has been driving people nuts trying to solve it.
Posted in
14 Apr 2015
This woman explains why she's not a feminist.
You will wonder why these names were never thought of before.
Whether these things are true or not they certainly sound pretty interesting.
These ironic occurrences couldn’t have been planned better if we tried!
This super wealthy people were not always rich and they once had crappy day jobs too!
Here are a few uniquely odd facts about a few cities in America.
If you are a fan of the film “Predator” you might want to brush up on a bit of its lesser known trivia.
The whole world has been fooled by these major pranks throughout the years.
People often find odd things when they renovate their homes but this is the strangest discovery yet.
These photos taken inside the Crayola factory show how crayons are really made and it’s a pretty colorful process.
Posted in
1 Apr 2015
These interesting photos show a rarely seen view of the Titanic gym that passengers used to keep fit while on board. The gum had squash courts and Turkish baths amongst other things.
These 100 year old people share their most unhealthy habits for living a long life.
These places are some of the most well-guarded in the world and you wouldn’t want to try to break into or out of any of them.
Posted in
28 Mar 2015