Dates From Hell (2 PICS + 15 GIFS)

Posted in FUNNY       29 Jun 2022       2900       2 GALLERY VIEW

"He was literally the perfect guy over text and everything I could have asked for on paper. Then we met in person. His voice was more high-pitched than mine."


"He explained the plot in great detail to the Godfather film, to the point he dismissed the server twice for trying to take my order, saying I needed to be educated. Needless to say I never wanted to leave a date sooner than this. He tried to kiss me after dropping me off and I legged it outta there"


"He asked me to come back to his place, not for sex, he made that clear. I let myself be persuaded, and it was daytime, and I had a backup plan with a friend if things went hairy, so I went to his house. He wanted to show me his Eeyore collection. He had like 200 Eeyores from the Winnie the Pooh series, like figurines and stuffed animals, and other weird things Eeyore and was really, really proud of them. He told me how much he related to the character."


Izismile Videos

"He turned off my music – in my car – to plug his own in without any discussion"


"Decent enough guy, but waited until *after* I ordered dinner to explain he was a vegetarian and he wouldn’t pay for my “murder steak” but would cover dessert. Flabbergasted, I explained that I always pay for myself and I would never expect that from anyone. Also, if he’d mentioned it ahead of time, I would have ordered something else to be polite. Later on, we went to the bar and he explained that he was in AA and had been kicked out of every bar in town for bad behavior. Dammit Beavis, tell me ahead of time! There was no second date."


"Told me about some trouble in his past, and I brushed it off saying, “Well it’s not like you killed anyone.” And he got REAL QUIET suddenly and said “Maybe not…but I did hit someone until they stopped moving and I left and never found out what happened to them.” Definitely/maybe thought I was gonna die that night."


"I went on a date with a guy, who wanted to meet me at his favorite restaurant. Upon arriving, it looked like he had been sitting there for a few hours already. Empty drinks and two empty plates. As I sit down, he is visibly very intoxicated. As I sit down and start talking he blurts out “OK date number 2, let’s get this started”. I did not even say a word, scooted my chair back and never saw him again."



"Blew his nose into a dirty tshirt he had sitting on the desk. Noped the hell out of there."


"He said we could order an appetizer because “daddy was paying for the meal” …. Meaning his dad. And then his sister also showed up when she heard the meal was on “daddy”"


"In college, I went on a date with a really nice guy but vibes were off for me the whole time. Still, I was a people pleaser, so I let him kiss me at the end of the date. The final straw was when he stopped mid-kiss and asked, “Boobies? Boobies?” While I appreciated the check for consent, I had the ick so bad, I squeaked out a, “no thank you,” and ran inside."


"I went on one date with a guy who kept referring to my dog as “our dog”. This was our first and only date and we did not know each other. I met him at a party the weekend prior."



"Went out with a guy who absolutely refused to allow me to drive because he said ” women shouldn’t be allowed behind the wheel.” I knew I would never see him again when he insulted my driving but allowed me to pay for his dinner and drinks."


"I mean the guy literally smoking crack in his bathroom with the door open (I caught a glimpse in the mirror) on our third date was enough for me. Fortunately, I saw a friend post on IG and I messaged them to call me with a fake emergency so I can leave."


"He licked his lips & moaned loudly when he looked at me! Like…for real!

We met for brunch drinks & he waited in my car afterward until his Uber came. While waiting, he stares at me & starts moaning. Full on moaning. I was so confused. I brushed it off thinking maybe it was in my head. So I went to kiss him good-bye but it happened again…like moaning before the kiss! I don’t know how I held it together. But as soon as his @$$ jumped out to catch his Uber I vowed “Never Again!“"


"He started eating my food off of my plate, like, reaching over with a fork and stealing my fried rice. Not to be cute. Just going for it."



"There were a lot of red flags that would have sent any woman running away, but I drew the line at constantly hearing this 30-year-old man talk to me in a baby voice."




Elizabeth 2 year s ago
Some of these are about men trying to be real men. See, women said they wanted that but when you give it to them, it's a red flag. fool
Barnabas 2 year s ago

Which one??? Every single one of these stories is a horror show.





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