Wedding Fails That Made Guests Cringe (19 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       26 Jun 2024       1841       1 GALLERY VIEW

"The Chinese lanterns landed on the thatched roof of the wedding venue and the entire place went up like a scene from a war movie. Was incredible, and for once, not my fault."


"Probably not the worst thing… but brother in law’s phone went off at the most integral part of the ceremony. His ringtone was “I’m In Luv Wit A Stripper”. Since he was a part of our small ceremony, he had someone else carry his phone. That person didn’t recognize the ringtone since obviously it wasn’t their phone, therefore they thought that someone else was going to take care of the situation.

Definitely a case of Murphy’s Law going on because it took what seemed like forever to turn off that phone. And of course that’s the one time that a caller is so persistent that they rang back up a second time after their first call had rang so many times it went to voicemail!"


"Bride’s step-mother and mother got into a fight. Step-mother bit the mother. Wedding went to a screeching halt."


"Grandma gave a speech and it started off “we are so happy to see how you turned out despite… the incident”. The bride looked mortified and a few people silently nodded and with their hands did the cross across their body and clasped their hands together to pray. To this day we have no clue what “the incident” was. We have speculated with our friends but little is known about my buddy’s wives uber religious/ conservative past. It was such an awkward cringey speech. Thank god I was sauced despite the dry wedding."


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"My cousin’s wife’s (bride’s) brother got super high/drunk at their wedding reception, got upset about something, and then decided he was going to drive home. His dad said absolutely not and took his keys away from him. They ended up eventually getting into a fist fight that made its way out into the parking lot, where bride’s brother punched a car window out.

The groomsmen then jumped in to tackle him, there was blood everywhere, cops called, bride’s mother bawling. Bride’s brother ended up getting arrested and the bridesmaids used their little Tide to Go Pens to try and get blood out of groomsmen’s suits."


"It was at my wedding.

My (ex) best friend showed up with her teenage daughter wearing a white gown, told my brand new sister in law to “go f@#k herself” in front of my new husband, then told my new nephew that he was greedy for asking to take cake back for his girlfriend who just had a baby.

Then she invited herself to my honeymoon suit hours later, drunk and cried about still not being divorced from her ex and remarried to her boyfriend. Since I had to wait for a cab before I felt comfortable releasing her, my brand new husband and I listened to her cry about her life until she was picked up. The cab took 15 minutes and she stripped to her underwear (in front of my husband) and got into my suites hot tub while I quickly used the bathroom (to compose myself). I had to drag her out of my hot tub and send her to the cab soaking wet. Of course we then needed confirmation from her boyfriend she was home safe and sound."


"Bride was dancing during the reception, fell and broke her left arm. Lots of pictures from the ER- photographer went with them! When the Dr. heard he’d be setting a bride’s arm, he put on a suit! They worked hard to get the swelling down so she wouldn’t have to have her brand new wedding ring cut off. Crazy."


"Messages between the bride and her coworker, about how she wanted him to object at the wedding so they could continue their affair."



"It was typical Finnish summer wedding. There was a band, a lot of people and lot of booze. The venue had a cloack room with that low desk at the front. People left their drinks on that desk to go dancing. There were children attending too. A 7 year old boy had drank all the drinks from the desk and passed out.

He was vomiting and completely unresponsive when the ambulance arrived. Spent the night at the hospital and child protective services were invoved too. A 12 year old girl had noticed the boys state and informed some adult who then took the necessary actions."


"The bride and groom cutting the cake. They couldn’t cut into it, so she gave it a stab and it fell over, taking the other desserts with it. The cake was still frozen. I was the bride. F@#k that cake."


"I saw a woman, the “best friend” of the groom get drunk and loudly confess her being in love with the groom. The wife even said “I f@#king knew it you b#tch”. She was escorted out and everything went as planned. The new wife looked SMUG. You could literally see the “that b#tch is getting cut out FINALLY” running through her head."


"My best friend’s husband fell into a fire pit and had to be taken to hospital."



"Relatives got married on 7/7/7. Unfortunately the venue took full advantage of this special day and booked 4 or 5 weddings thru out the day. We were hushed during the cocktail hour as not to interrupt a different ceremony that was taking place. You couldn’t tell where one event started and another ended. I know the family paid top dollar and they certainly weren’t informed about it. The ceremony started at 5 but we weren’t served dinner until 8:30, they never even brought bread to the tables. The severs were so rushed. It just didn’t feel special."


"12 speeches, 2 musical numbers, one PowerPoint presentation."


"My friend and her newly minted husband in a screaming match in the street outside the venue. I don’t even remember what stupid thing had set him off, alcohol was definitely a factor. They made up and were back to dancing a little later but the mood of the place had definitely changed.

It was a long time ago and I’m a little fuzzy in the timeline but I think they made it to their first anniversary, but definitely did not make it to the second."


"Outdoor summer wedding in TX. The groom’s 90+ year old grandmother died during the reception. They found out when she couldn’t be roused for family pictures."



"At my besties wedding we got in a (minor) car accident on the way to the ceremony, ended up 45mins late. One guest broke another guests ribs and one of the bridesmaids cheated on her bf with one of the groomsmen. Cursed."


"First wedding I ever attended as an adult was last year, I was a +1 to a friend from high schools friend who was marrying her high school boyfriend. For context I literally didn’t know anyone there, was just a date for a friend that needed one.The ceremony went well, it was a lovely wedding, fast forward to the reception at this big estate type of house with a lovely garden and pool.

The mother of the groom got absolutely blind drunk and was becoming increasingly intense as the night went on.

It came around time to cut the cake, the mother of the groom was nowhere to be seen. The same time this is happening we all hear yelling from outside, walk out the doors, and lo and behold she was fully naked in the pool, borderline drowning. Her husband had to jump in to get her out while we all averted our eyes."


"Most annoying was the dad of the bride being 30 minutes into his speech, only to pull out a paper from his pocket and say, “So I have prepared some words…” We made it to the 45th minute and my pregnant wife had to go to the bathroom so I went with her and there were a handful of other couples hanging out by the bathrooms too trying to escape the speech."




1   Comment ?
Virdie 6 month s ago
We had a seaside wedding, and anticipated rain, but the rain was so loud during the ceremony you could barely hear the vows, and the best man had to hold the tent edge up to prevent pouring in on us, and then the weather cleared up after we cancelled the BBQ and fireworks. But totally memorable!





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