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GIF 11 Feb 2011
This guy underwent an amazing transformation. He starts out as a nearly suicidal and fat. After a year his transformation is complete. He lost 170 pounds and changed in another respect as well.
What happens when cosplayers are dropped into their favorite video games? A hilarious combination that’s so funny, you won’t be able to stop yourself from letting out a huge belly laugh. These creative pictures take fun to a whole new level.
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CELEBS 11 Feb 2011
Mila Kunis was bullied in school before
Yeah it’s Friday! The week flew by and we didn’t even notice, but we did notice these amazing shots and added them to our Daily Stare.
New Do’s for Valentine’s Day
This is a fine collection of every kind of gun that you can imagine that is used in combat. There is every kind of hand gun, rifle, assault weapon, machine gun, and every type of ammunition that you can think of.
We thought with Valentine’s day just around the corner we would keep your mind off of hearts, candy, and fluffy little poems of love. Instead we will fill your mind with what happens to those that don’t behave the way society thinks that they should. These are some of the most heinous torture devices and methods used to gain information, or destroy a victim.
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FLASH 11 Feb 2011
This is not new, but still, it’s cool. You can see the time lapse from dawn till dusk over the CN Tower of Toronto by only moving your mouse from left to right over the photo. CN Tower became is considered the world's tallest free-standing structure and world's tallest tower.
This locksmith shop has unusual and interesting artwork as part of the buildings structure. It looks like something out of the art deco period, until you get up close and then you see it.
Human zoos were popular in Europe in the 19th and 20th century. They were also known as “Negro Villages” or “ethnological expositions” where humans were exhibited in their natural state.
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ANIMALS 11 Feb 2011
This crow is either very lucky or very brave. He doesn’t seem to have any seem natural self preservation instincts. His pal is not all that friendly. In fact, it is a bird of prey. He is lucky he wasn’t lunch while he was looking for his lunch.
Sentose Isand is a tad fancier thanks to a beautiful Meera house created by Guz Architects. The house illustrates how to make the most of space by utilizing two solid walls on each side for privacy while providing access to an ocean view and greenery.
These kids are all dressed up with no place to go. They are wearing funny looking costumes. The funny part is that none of them look overjoyed about it. I think the parents get more of a kick out of dressing their kids’ funny than the kids do.
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ANIMALS 11 Feb 2011
Cats have an amazing ability to jump very high in the air. And these cats are absolutely flying. Either they were scared by something or they are attacking some imaginary prey that is way up in the air.
Similar post:
Cats Can Fly (14 pics)
These are some incredible icebergs. They are super colorful, beautiful, and above all else, huge. IT is amazing how Mother Nature makes such beautiful objects. Just don’t tell the people who were on the Titanic that ;)
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DAILY 11 Feb 2011