Posted in
7 Aug 2018
Award-winning Japanese designer Taku Oomura uses 3D-printing to bring popular brand logos to life and turn them into something that people could use.
Such are the results of an experiment conducted by a custom signage firm, which asked 156 Americans between the ages of 20 and 70, to draw 10 famous logos as accurately as possible. But they had to do it completely from their memory, which appeared to be not that easy.
New York-based artist Tom Galle has done something even more creative than before with his new project Corp Gear in which he transforms famous brand logos into lethal weapons - knives, brass knuckles, and even throwing stars.
There is nothing better for a company than a great logo design that can get their message across. Here are logos with a clever meaning hidden right in front of you.
Calorie Brands had a great idea to redesign popular products to show how many calories they have. They wrote on their Instagram: “This is how brands should look like to help you achieve your summer body goals.”
Check out the changes that these huge companies made to the initial design of their logos. You’ll see that these logos have made a long way…
Posted in
1 Apr 2015
These original logos for some of the biggest corporations around are very different to the logos we are used to seeing now.
Posted in
22 Oct 2012