"I create a story.
I used to have bad insomnia when I was younger, and the only thing that seemed to work for me was imagining a story. I would set the setting, the premise, the characters, and start coming up with it. Basically, I was kick starting the dreaming process. I’d be asleep within a few minutes."
"Turning the A/C down to 64"
"The boat technique.
A military buddy told me about it when he was stationed in Mali. Imagine yourself in a small boat, on a stream running through a forest with the canopy above you and the sun shining through, or drifting on a lake under a starry sky. Let yourself drift."
"I scrolled and scrolled because I knew I’d find something like this. I create crazy @$$ stuff in my head. Sea levels rise 100 feet and I built a bunker and have to save people I know. Lead singer of a killer band. Qb of a team. I invented a machine that does all your daily grooming as you sleep. Just weird sh#t. Usually out in a few minutes"
"On Spotify there is a podcast called “Nothing much happens: bedtime stories to help you sleep”. Each episode is around half an hour but the storyteller tells the stord twice and the second time she tells it with a slower pace. I am really curious how she tells the story slower but I was never able to make it to the second half."
"Do some light work-out before going to sleep, don’t sleep in the afternoon."
"Breathing. Slow deliberate breathing. Count the same for in and out. And for every breath out, try and relax your muscles. I just keep doing that. Works most of the time."
"Do a hole by hole flyover of my local golf course in my head"
"Picture the ocean, the calm ripples of the water surface, or calm waves hitting a beach"
"Magnesium supplements an hour before bed. Makes you sleep like a baby every night!"
"To unwind before bed and actually have a bedtime routine"
"Reading a book. One page and your eyes close"
"Listening to asmr of running water or someone getting their hair washed"
"Be tired before you get in bed. If I’m not, I usually need chemical help. Antihistamines, melatonin, or alcohol. I haven’t figured out another way to fall asleep quickly if it’s not my bedtime yet"