He is one of the creators of “Kitty Adventure Rescue League & Sanctuary” – a retirement home for cats which provides healthcare, comfort and love for all the abandoned cats not just in North Texas but throughout the United States.
Posted in
19 Dec 2017
Posted in
23 Nov 2017
Posted in
16 Aug 2017
Naypyidaw, a newly built capital of Burma, is a fantastic and modern city of about nine New York cities in size. Yet in terms of the population it just feels empty with less than a million inhabitants.
Posted in
3 Jun 2017
In June 2013, heavy rains led to a flood in the Canadian province of Alberta and one of the hardest-hit areas was the town of High River, a suburb of Calgary. In Beachwood Estates, a High River neighborhood, where mostly million-dollar houses were situated, floodwaters forced the inhabitants to leave their properties, and never come back. These spine-chilling abandoned mansions were demolished in early 2017.
A French photographer from La Havre has found a curious building recently – a chateau in French countryside, that looks like those iconic “ghost houses”. It really is impressing, how devastating time can be.
The Regenwurmlager, which literally means Camp Earthworm, is an extensive underground fortification area constructed by Germany in 1920s-1940s, now in western Poland, near the city of Międzyrzecz. It was a system of underground bunkers interconnected by tunnels and corridors of total length over 100 km. In 1945 it was abandoned by the German troops retreating without significant fights.
Freaktography, an urban explorer, found this house in Ontario, Canada and was offered a glimpse into the past and the memories of this house left to decay.
Posted in
13 Jul 2016
Malaysian daredevil Keow Wee Loong sneaked into the Fukushima exclusion zone in Japan and captured some incredible images of abandoned towns 5 years after the tragedy.
An abandoned pit bull was abandoned in the woods when he was found by Casey Lawrence, a real estate agent, on the property she was showing to his clients. He had multiple injuries which lead to think he was used as a bait dog by dog fighters. He was lying on the ground surrounded by bones and animal carcasses. Without hesitation Casey brought him in to a veterinary clinic where the fight for his life had begun.
Photographer Johnny Joo has recently visited abandoned Rolling Acres Mall in Akron, Ohio. What Johnny saw there was spooky and captivating at the same time. Just check out these pics.
Salina Turda was a salt mine located in Romania. It was opened somewhere in the 17th century and closed in 1932. Sixty years later it was converted into an insane underground amusement park. Check it out.
This amazing house, built in 1930's, is situated just outside of New York City and once was the most beautiful house in the area. But because of the years of neglect it was reduced to a shadow of its former self.
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BLOGS 13 Feb 2016
To draw the Government's attention to poor state of one of the most beautiful places in Lithuania, the digital artist Simonas Sileika has created the astonishing mind-bending photo of abandoned Lentvaris Manor.
Lentvaris manor - 2016