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CELEBS 11 May 2020
Gabriel Zeifman lives near Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. He is an ATC (air traffic controller) and has been flying since he was in his teens. He maintains both a private and commercial pilot’s license, as well as owns a Cessna 150. He managed to get a direct view of Area 51 and the Tonopah Test Range airport from the air, without breaking any laws.
Japan’s Meiji Restoration period ended in 1889, opening the reclusive country to the world. This is when Japan’s photos started to reach Europe. Here are some of them.
Zulf is a London-based artist who loves to play around with light, shadows, and silhouettes to bring portraits of women to life with flair and drama. Each piece he creates can take him anywhere between 1 to 60 hours depending on details, although he tries to keep it as minimal as possible.
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CELEBS 14 Feb 2020