British designers from Studio Weave built the longest bench in the world in Littlehampton, a seaside resort town (UK). Its length - 324 meters.
This collection of figures belongs to Jonathan Kuriscak, who's been collecting them for 16 years. But his collection is not an ordinary one. You may disapprove it but the pictures are awsome.
Check these pictures of a dam spitting huge blasts of water because of floods formed by heavy rains.
Really impressive!
Are things in a superhero world university campus really different from real life?
You tell me!
Check out this cartoon about how hard it is to get used to ordinary life on the earth again.
These sculptures aren't made of clay. They are made of something we all have at hand, but only two artists from Cuba were creative enough to use it. Can you guess, what the material is?
Lady Gaga, portrayed by her fans, looks even nice. Or may be too nice?
This foam flood was organised by Sony Corporation in Miami. The foam is made by a special device which produces 2 mln litres of foam a minute. How fast would your street be covered with foam?
Related post:
Foam Versus Man (12 pics)
The Nintendo catalog (1990). if you spent your childhood in the 90-s, you'll understand my nostalgic feelings.
Do you know who is even more terrifying for young kids than the guy from Elm Street? It's a pretty smiling hair-dresser with a pair of scissors in her hands. There's nothing worse for a toddler than his first haircut. Don't believe me? Check this out.
I couldn't help wondering while reading how could anything like these headlines be issued. Check this out and be ready to laugh your heads off.
Eighty people agreed to show us what they have inside their bags.
Scroll down to read some famous people's last words. Some of them remained witty, even when faced with death.
Horrifying hot air balloon - would you dare to take a ride?
This is not a recent story, but pictures are great and the story is very touching.
Real aesthetic pleasure for anime-lovers
This is how the world leaders' planes look from inside
They say, pets look like their owners. What if you could combine both in one? Petlebrity is a combination of a celebrity and a pet...
Do you think you are not sensitive enough? Your girlfriend says you are cold-hearted? Read through this brief guidance to sensitivity and realise how callous you are. Start thinking about everybody’s and everything’s feelings.