Imgur user NickMO945 uploaded photos of how he created his dream bar in his basement.
Posted in
12 Sep 2016
This guy’s car was in a bad accident and couldn’t be repaired. So the guy decided to use the most important part of the car – its engine – and turn it into something awesome.
This dad deserves "The Father Of The Year" award for building this bedroom for his son. Check out how Imgur user IScratchUntilIHaveNoSkinLeft transformed this very worn down and torn up room into something awesome.
Posted in
27 Aug 2016
Posted in
18 Jul 2016
Posted in
FUNNY 12 Jul 2016
Posted in
5 Jul 2016
Above ground pools don’t look really good but if you add a deck to it, it is an altogether different story… That’s why Imgur user FoxK56 decided to do it himself. Check out the whole process and the final result. It does looks much better this way.
Posted in
27 Jun 2016
Imgur user OthienCosplay came up with a very interesting idea to keep his girlfriend happy after his dog chewed on her favorite pair of shoes that cost her $500. Look what he did with them.
Posted in
17 Jun 2016
With the right materials and this step-by-step guide, you won’t have a problem to make your own lightsaber that’ll be strong enough to fight with.
When this guy saw this California Red Wood slab he knew right away that it is going to be an electric guitar. Take a look at how he did it.
Posted in
2 May 2016
A fan of the hit series "Game Of Thrones" as well of the game of beer pong decided to combine the two together. So, he built this amazing "Game of Thrones" themed beer pong table to pay tribute to his passions.
Reddit user dogeuppity posted these photos of a mini-garage he made as a birthday present for his 3d birthday.
A couple had an extra space in their basement they call "The Dungeon" and they decided to make a cozy and nice place to relax and watch some movies. Their DIY home theater turned out super great. Check it out.
A student made this great wooden case for his computer using only basic tools like a chisel and files. In this tutorial he explains how he did it and assures that anyone can do what he did as he didn't have any experience in woodworking or computers.
Posted in
25 Mar 2016
This father decided to turn one of the corners of his house into an awesome playhouse his kids could use for their games. He did an amazing job.
Posted in
24 Mar 2016
Father and son decided that their empty porch that added no value to their house was needed a complete makeover. After working on this DIY project for over the year it resulted in something amazing. Check it out.