Posted in
FUNNY 5 Sep 2016
Happy Labor Day everyone! We hope you have a great day and we hope to see you tomorrow, same time, same place ;)
Let’s commemorate these men and women who built this country with their own hands.
There are tunnels all along the 2,000-mile frontier between the US and Mexico that were dug by drug traffickers. They are also used for illegal immigration. Journalist Ioan Grillo said “The Mexico-US border is like a block of cheese with holes in it, with tunnels across it.”
Posted in
10 Aug 2016
Here is what you should absolutely try in every American state.
This is how much you would have to earn to buy a home and live comfortably in these 27 American cities according to new data from
Niche, a company who reviews and ranks cities in the United Sates, published the list of the safest American cities to live based on crime statistics on murder, rape, burglary, and other types of crime. This is what the list looks like.
George Washington was the first President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was also called the "father of his country" during his lifetime. But that’s not all. Apparently, Washington was also the richest president in the US history. His estimated net worth was of $525 million in today’s dollars. According to 24/7 Wall Street his salary was 2% of the total US budget in 1789 and he owned over 50,000 acres of land. Here is what it was like to be George Washington.
Despite all the problems that America has, it is still the most amazing and dominant country in the world. These charts will prove it.
Posted in
FUNNY 23 Jun 2016
It's record-breaking hot in the US and it's not the only big problem the country will face in the coming decades.
Posted in
6 Jun 2016
The depression originated in the United States, after a fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. Take a look how it was in the USA.
Posted in
FUNNY 1 Jun 2016
Posted in
FUNNY 13 May 2016
PayScale, online salary, benefits and compensation information company, made a ranking of the best companies based on high employee satisfaction. They used six criteria: high job satisfaction, low job stress, ability to telecommute, high job meaning, experienced median pay (for employees with at least five years of experience), and whether a company pays above or below market price for their employees.
A tool box of military engineers weighs about 56 kg, not an easy load to carry around.
Let's look what's inside.
The list counts 50 cities in order of population from smallest to largest.
Here is a ranking of 25 US companies that keep their employees happy and where salaries are sky-high.