Miami is one of the richest cities in the world and is known as the "Cruise Capital of the World." It is a modern vibrant city today but let’s see how it looked back in the day and how it changed through the years.
UPD: JustinCase, thank you for being attentive.
French photographer Réhahn visited some of the Malaysia’s most remote islands last year. He wanted to take pictures of the Bajau, the "sea gypsies" who live there. Their floating villages consist of small huts on stilts standing in the middle of the ocean. He visited 8 islands overall that are isolated from civilization.
The Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year is a competition that was first held in 2006. It aims to identify the best freely licensed images from those that during the year have been awarded Featured picture status. Featured picture status means that these images were chosen by the community as some of the finest on Commons.
Here are the pictures that became winners of the 10th annual photo competition on Commons.
Phil Grishaev lives in Los Angeles, California and has an unusual hobby. He likes finding and photographing the spots where famous movies were shot. Take a look at these pics and see if you can recognize any of them.